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Showing posts from April, 2024


Weight Gain for People with High Metabolism.

We must have heard people saying that, she or he eats so much but is always slim, how lucky. Do you know why that really happens? Its because they might have high metabolic rate. What does high metabolism refer to? It means that your body breaks down food faster than those who have natural metabolism, to give you energy This means that we need more energy from food that we eat. Gaining weight for these people is not really easy but that does not mean you can munch on sugary snacks or may be junk easily. Be it weight gain or weight loss its always to be achieved in healthy manner by following good healthy diet and lifestyle. Heredity is one factor that determines a persons body metabolism. Eating 3 meals a day is must. Along with this include healthy snacks in between that will help you boost your overall energy intake. Include nutrient dense foods in your meals.This foods provide your body with lot of energy along with vitamins and minerals. To gain weight faster and in a h...

Unlocking the Secrets of Body Shapes and Obesity

Ever wondered what your body shape reveals about your health? In today's world, where obesity has become a prevalent concern, understanding the nuances of body shapes is crucial for maintaining optimal health. Obesity, often a result of poor lifestyle habits, manifests when one's Body Mass Index (BMI) reaches 30 or above. This condition not only affects physical appearance but also poses significant risks to overall health. Obesity is not merely a cosmetic issue; it is a gateway to a myriad of chronic lifestyle diseases such as high cholesterol, hypertension, diabetes, and PCOD in women. The accumulation of excess body fat disrupts metabolism and impairs insulin production, paving the way for these debilitating conditions. One of the fundamental aspects of addressing obesity is determining one's body shape. Different body shapes require tailored approaches to exercise and diet to yield optimal results. Let's delve into the various body shapes and their impli...